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Episode 36: Gifts

On Episode 36, the Ghouls are talking about a jolly subject - Gifts! Ho Ho Ho! It’s the most wonderful time of the year! It's the time of the year when people give you presents, with the intent of making you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Some gifts, you don’t want though, and come with implications, like your soul, or the people you love being killed. Every day we push the button. Find out why you should stop. The ghouls talk the trippy film The Box and the short story/twilight zone episode its based on Button, Button. Also, they talk Needful Things by Stephen King and the amazing Rick & Morty episode inspired by it.

Talking Points: Got You Cookie, Give Me Cookie, If You Give a Kat a Cookie, Gift giving, Stress, Gabe Gets Therapy, Yarn Lady, Novetly Pajamas, trash people, price you're paying, H&M, Equivalent Exchange, Button Button, Cameron Diaz, Always the Bridesmaid, James Marsden, The Devil, Rick & Morty, Haunted Items

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